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TOPIC: The Lord is With You
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE: “…O favored one [endued with grace]! The Lord is with you!…” Luke 1:28, (AMP) AMPLIFIED BIBLE EDITION
 MESSAGE: You are favoured today, and the Lord is with you! If you are a believer in Jesus today, He is with you, and you are endued with His grace. That means you have God’s supernatural power to do whatever you need to do today. You have God’s power at work, you have God’s power at home, you have God’s power in your relationships—you are empowered to accomplish everything you need to today.
How do you access that power? By faith and through the words of your mouth. The Bible says that if two or more declare a thing, it shall be established. Start declaring what God says about you. You and God are a majority. Receive His grace and favour by thanking and praising Him. Declare that you have favour because God is with you and in you. As you receive His favour and grace, and step out to do what He’s called you to do, you will see His hand at work and live in the victory God has in store for you.
 PRAYER FOR TODAY: “Father, thank You for Your grace and favour in my life. Thank You for choosing me and for being faithful. I receive Your promises right now. Give me a revelation of Your ability at work in me.
 PROPHETIC DECLARATION: God in form of Holy Spirit is resident inside of you. It’s like having money in the bank account. To spend the money in your bank account, you will need to put up actions of going to the bank to withdraw the money or use your ATM card or go on the internet to do online banking transactions. If you don’t do any of these, you may not be able to spend the money in your bank account. In Jesus name, you shall be endued with His grace to use God’s power deposited inside of you. The grace will give you enablement to use faith to access supernatural power in you, to do whatever you need to do today, that will give you a better future. The power and presence of God in you will no longer be dormant, inactive and wasted in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
JESUS SAID: “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. Revelation chapter 22 verse 12 (NIV). Are you ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ? Please give your life to Jesus.
For prayer & counselling, call, whatsapp or E-mail Bishop Bayo Yusuff: +447440084481
God bless you abundantly and have a great day.
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