Topic: Make Preparations.
Today’s Scripture: “…Prepare the way for the Lord…” Isaiah chapter 40 verse 3, (NIV). NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.
Message: This is a continuation of my yesterday’s message. Everyone goes through seasons of waiting. A lot of times, people just sit back and wait for God to do everything. But, you have to remember to do your part and make preparations. You have to talk like it’s going to happen and act like it’s going to happen. Some people might say, “Well, Bayo, what if I do this and it doesn’t happen?” But I say what if you do and it does happen? And even if things don’t turn out the way you had hoped, you’d still be better off living your life positive and hopeful than you would to go around down and discouraged.
I love what David said in the Bible, “God, my times are in Your hands.” He was saying, “God, I don’t know when it’s going to happen, but I know You know what’s best for me.” I’m going to go out today expecting good things. And even if it doesn’t happen, I’m not going to go to bed all disappointed. I’m going to go to bed knowing that I’m one day closer to seeing my dreams and desires come to pass!
Prayer for Today: Father in heaven, I dedicate this day to You. Show me how to prepare for You to move in my life. Help me guard my words and thoughts as I put my trust in You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prophetic Declaration: In the spirit realm, it’s deliberate preparation that ushers in desired promotion. Every Bible character that receives God’s promotion actually prepared for it. So it is till today. Grace to have that attitude of expectancy and behave like David is given to you. David said: “I don’t know when it’s going to happen, but I know You know what’s best for me.” Ability to make necessary preparation for the expected promotion shall be yours. Courage and enthusiasm to go out everyday of your life, preparing and expecting good things to happen is released unto you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
JESUS SAID: “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. Revelation chapter 22 verse 12 (NIV). Are you ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ? Please give your life to Jesus.
For prayer & counselling, E-mail, whatsapp or call Bishop Bayo Yusuff: +447440084481. gospel@mercylandministries.co.uk. www.mercylandministries.co.uk.
God bless you abundantly.