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Bishop & Bishop Mrs. Anike & Bayo Yusuff - Mercyland General Overseer and Founder
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Topic: Faith to Overcome the World.
Today’s Scripture: “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.” First John chapter 5 verse 4, (ESV). English Standard Version.
Message: As a child of God, you have the power of faith within you to overcome the world. That includes everything in the world, and everything the world brings your way! The Bible says that faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). As you hear the Word of God and store it in your heart, your faith in God grows stronger.
When the enemy tries to attack you through sickness, fear, worry, or financial mishaps, just use your faith by declaring the Word of God. Find scriptures to speak over your problem or whatever you are facing. Declare that perfect love casts out all fear! Declare that God shall supply all your needs! Declare that because you are born of God, you have faith to overcome the world!
Prayer for Today: God, I am Your child and that means I am destined to live a life of victory. When the world gets to be too much for me to bear, remind me to take comfort in Your Word. Help me to store up Scripture verses in my head and my heart to help me overcome the trials I will face in this world. In Jesus’ name – Amen.
Prophetic Declaration: Remember that God created the world and all that are in the world through His Word. Wisdom with divine ability to use the same Word of God to solve all problems in your life shall be yours. Faith that overcomes the world shall give you victory. You shall continue to live happy life, every day of your life in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
JESUS SAID: “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. Revelation chapter 22 verse 12 (NIV). Are you ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ? Please give your life to Jesus.
For prayer & counselling, E-mail, whatsapp or call Bishop Bayo Yusuff: + 4 4 7 4 4 0 0 8 4 4 8 1 .
God bless you abundantly.
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