The Wednesday, 30th August 2023 Meeting
Venue: Paddy Bartholomew College, Otta, Ogun State, Nigeria
Rev. Dr. Williams Oyekan – Baptist College of Theology, Agbowa, Lagos, Nigeria
The meeting started with a word of prayer from Prof. Biodun Akinpelu around 1:15 pm after a brief inspection of the site of Paddy Bartholomew College where the meeting took place. Contact was made on the phone with Mummy Yusuff at home in Nigeria, and The Lawyer and Legal Adviser of the Ministry, Pastor Dr. Godson Lawal in the UK. They both offered prayers and words of encouragement.
Rev. Dr. Williams Oyekan, a Baptist Reverend and Theologian with an academic orientation as a Lecturer at Baptist College of Theology, Agbowa, Lagos, Nigeria, and Dr. Herbert Ozidu, a Medical Practitioner cum Missionary from Adonai Partners and Development Agencies, were introduced to Bishop Bayo Yusuff.
Mercyland Ministries: The Journey So far.
Bishop Bayo Yusuff explained his life experiences, from a Muslim background to his Anglican Pastoral life while he was an academic staff at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife here in Nigeria. His trip to the United Kingdom on Sabbatical placement prepared the ground for his full-time Ministerial life, labeled MERCYLAND MINISTRIES. He and his wife are currently based in Manchester, UK, doing the work of the Gospel.
The Training side of Mercyland Ministries, which started in 1998 with a Bible College at Ile Ife, was born out of the zeal to reach out to the zealous Christian youths in the Body of Christ worldwide. This section was primarily for the Mercyland church’s local consumption.
The Mercyland Bible Institute
The Institute is an extension of the Bible School with a view to having Certificate, Diploma, and Degree Programs along the lines of introducing Areas of Specialization like Church Planting, Church Administration, and Management, etc., after due affiliation with existing Universities in Nigeria. The underlisted Universities were considered for possible affiliation:
To ensure adequate academic content for the proposed Bible Institute, the Catalogs that contain the approved curriculum run by The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso, Nigeria, and that of Bowen University, Iwo, Nigeria, were consulted for guidance. This is to give a proper insight and understanding of the Bible – the word of God, the tool that all Ministers of God need to do the work of the ministry.
To Note:
The founder (Bishop Bayo Yusuf) in his quest to fulfill this God-given vision extended the Bible school opportunity in 2011/2012 to outsiders and appointed Pastor David Olanrewaju as the pioneer Provost of the college. Mercyland Christian Centre at Ile-Ife, Osun state of Nigeria has been the study center till date. Over the years, the Bible College with its curriculum has developed. It entails the Christian virtues and teachings that will enrich the students to have knowledge and understanding of God’s work and be better Ministers of the WORD.
The number one required qualification of the student for admission to the college is genuine assurance of salvation with a minimum of good O/level WAEC. Other higher academic qualifications are an added advantage to gain admission to the college for the degree programs.
The duration for studies in this college is one year (12 months), and this is divided into two semesters. If you are admitted with WAEC results, you will graduate with a Diploma certificate in Ministry. If you’re already a graduate, you will graduate with BA, Bachelor of Arts degree. Moreover, the college has made the timetable flexible for students of different backgrounds. Hence the school runs weekend classes to embrace and include students who might be civil servants and other people working or doing business during the week. The college is under the supervision of a God-fearing Board of the governing council. The school fees are affordable. The college is blessed with a team of hardworking, intelligent, seasoned, and dedicated lecturers.
Details of admission requirements for the European campuses (Portugal & Germany) can be obtained through a special letter of request for admission. Interested prospective candidates need to write to the European Admission Coordinators in Portugal and Germany. European Language studies are available and are compulsory for students who are willing to further their studies or are called to do ministry in Europe (Portugal and Germany only for now). The letter of request should be addressed to Mercyland Ministries International headquarters in the UK. Our postal address and telephone number in the United Kingdom are on the website. There is an ONLINE form on the CONTACT page of this Website to reach us. You can please use the platform. Fill in your name and email address and send us an email message to make a request. You can also use WhatsApp platform to reach us with the phone number on the website.
The followings are the areas of study (both for Diploma & Degree) in the college:
(1) Basic Theology (2) Christology (3) Angelology (4) Demonology (5) Church Administration (6) Early Church History 1&2 (7) Christian Education (8) Pentateuch (9) Church Music (10) Child Evangelism (11) Evangelism (12) Typology (13) Counseling 1&2 (14) Study in major prophets (15) Eschatology (16) Mission 1&2 (17) Pneumatology (18) English Language/European Languages (19) Hermeneutics (20) Rural Mission (21) Historical Books (22) Bible survey (23) Soteriology (24) Poetical books (25) Bible Introduction (26) Homiletics (27) Pastoral Theology 1&2
Looking forward to receiving from you. God bless you.