Topic: Retrain Your Brain
Today’s Scripture: Romans 12:2, (NKJV). “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Message: Living in victory means that sometimes you have to develop new habits, new methods and new strategies. If you’ve been negative for a long time, you’ve got to re-train your thinking from “I can’t” to “I can;” from “It won’t happen” to “It will happen;” from “I’ll never get well” to “God is restoring health unto me;” from “I never get any good breaks” to “God’s favour surrounds me like a shield;” from “I’ve made too many mistakes. I’m all washed up” to “I’m redeemed and forgiven. My best days are still out in front of me.” Friends, the above are part of those things Holy Spirit released into my life during the lockdown pandemic period. My brain and spirit both received revitalisation from the Holy Spirit during the compulsory pandemic holiday. For about forty years I have been traveling and preaching the Gospel, I have never had an opportunity of prolonged time of being alone with the Lord (six months house arrest at a go in the UK) as it happened to me in the year 2020 during the pandemic period.
The whole year of 2020 almost turned to a time of compulsory leave (stay at home – no traveling) for me. It however gave me a rare *opportunity to retrain my brain.* For an evangelist like me to stay in one place for one year is like being caged or in a tunnel. It’s like the end has come. When you’re in the tunnel like I had experienced it during the pandemic, it doesn’t matter how bad it looks, how many people have told you “no more normal for life!” or how long it will take pandemic to continue ravaging the whole world; the only sure thing is – God still has the final say. Since God is in control, new opportunities are still on the way coming. It’s not over till God says it’s over.
Shake off the self-pity. Shake off the disappointment. Declare His promises over your life and see His victory as you align yourself with Him (God of many opportunities). Retrain your brain and get ready for better future.
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, thank You for being my source of life. Thank You for Your hand of blessing that is leading and guiding me. I choose to make You the number one priority in my life. Let my heart hunger only for You today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
PROPHETIC DECLARATIONS: Apostle Paul in his letter to Corinthians says: ” …But we have the mind of Christ”. 1 Corinthians 2:16 (NIV). This is the mind that will never accept defeat and failure. The mind that will never allow any compromise with sin. The mind that will not relent until victory is won. The heart that daily awaits divine instruction from God and eagerly expects second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (Rapture). May this mind of Christ continue to increase in you as you also increase in His grace and favour. You shall not be conformed to this world and ruin your eternal destiny in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
For prayer & counselling, call, whatsapp or E-mail Bishop Bayo Yusuff: +447440084481 gospel@mercylandministries.co.uk www.mercylandministries.co.uk
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God bless you abundantly.