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Bishop & Bishop Mrs. Anike & Bayo Yusuff - Mercyland General Overseer and Founder
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Topic: Joy in His Presence.

Today’s Scripture: “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16 verse 11, (NIV). New International Version.

Message: God promises that joy is found in His presence, and if you’ve accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, then His presence lives inside of you. That means you are full of joy! Joy manifests when you focus your mind and heart on the Father and begin to praise Him for what He’s done in your life. It doesn’t matter where you are or what’s going on around you, you can access the joy that’s inside of you at any time, day or night.

Prayer for Today: “Father, thank You for an endless supply of joy. Today, I choose to cast my cares on You and give You the praise, glory and honor due Your name. Let joy flow through me so that I can be a witness of Your goodness to those around me in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Prophetic Declaration: Understanding of how to experience God’s supernatural joy, peace, and enjoy it at all times shall be yours. Assurance of the fact that God lives inside of you and He gives you an endless supply of His goodness shall be yours. Strong determination not to feel overburdened and be discouraged is given to you. Spiritual maturity to let the joy of the Lord be your strength at all times is released to you. Willingness to move forward in victory on the path of life that God has prepared for you shall be yours. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

JESUS SAID: “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. Revelation chapter 22 verse 12 (NIV). Are you ready for the second coming of Jesus Christ? Please give your life to Jesus.

For prayer & counselling, E-mail, whatsapp or call Bishop Bayo Yusuff: + 4 4 7 4 4 0 0 8 4 4 8 1 .

God bless you abundantly.

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